Cars are pretty big purchases, and even a used vehicle can be quite expensive. Although you will do everything you can to buy a reliable trustworthy vehicle it’s not always easy. You could find yourself owning a lemon even though you never set out to own one. That’s why it’s important to understand the lemon laws and how they protect your purchase.

Lemon Laws in the Different States

Every state has its own slightly different lemon law. All states will have similar features. All lemon laws are designed to protect the purchasers of motor vehicles. Should a fault be unable to be repaired in a reasonable period of time then the purchaser is normally entitled to a refund or replacement vehicle. Some states offer extra protection for used vehicles, while others offer less.

Lemon laws serve two purposes, these will protect the purchasers of the vehicle, but also help the manufactures to look out for any manufacturing defects. This should help them to issue a vehicle recall if necessary to protect more drivers.

What’s Protected by the Lemon Law?

Lemon laws are designed to protect people purchasing:

  • Cars
  • SUVs
  • Off-Road Vehicles
  • Motorcycles
  • Motorboats

Pretty much any type of vehicle will be covered by lemon laws in all states. Even used vehicles will be covered in most states as long as they are sold with a written warranty. If you have a written warranty from the dealership where the used car was purchased, then you should be able to apply lemon laws in the same way as with new vehicles. If you are in doubt of what’s covered by lemon laws then consult a professional.

How to Claim Under the Lemon Law

Before you can claim under the lemon law, you will need to first take the car back to where you bought it from. They need to be given a chance to repair the issue before you will be able to claim under the lemon law.

Typically the vehicle manufacturer or dealer will get one attempt to repair any safety-related problem, and up to four attempts to repair any other fault.

The vehicle dealership should offer you a refund or replacement vehicle if your vehicle is still not working correctly. If you believe you are not being treated fairly then you should hire a lawyer with experience of the lemon laws in your state.

Understanding the lemon laws in your state and how they apply to your vehicle is pretty complicated. It will be much easier if you hire a lawyer familiar with the laws in your state. For a reliable and reputable lemon law lawyer in California give a try.…